Poker Dice

Poker dice is a fun and simplified version of traditional poker played with dice instead of cards. The objective is to roll the best poker hand possible using five dice.

How to play poker dice

Here’s how to play poker dice:

Materials Needed:

  • Five poker dice (standard six-sided dice with card suit symbols instead of numbers)
  • A flat surface or a dice cup


  1. Setup:
    • Gather the players around a table or any flat surface.
    • Each player starts with a set number of chips or points (e.g., 100 chips) to use for betting.
  2. Rolling the Dice:
    • One player starts as the dealer or roller for the first round. The role of the dealer rotates clockwise after each round.
  3. Rolling the Hand:
    • The dealer takes all five poker dice and rolls them.
    • After the first roll, the dealer can choose to set aside any dice they want to keep (similar to “holding” cards in poker).
    • The dealer then rolls the remaining dice a second and, if desired, a third time, setting aside any dice they want to keep after each roll.
  4. Creating a Poker Hand:
    • After the final roll, the dealer forms the best possible poker hand using the values shown on the dice. The ranking of poker hands from highest to lowest is as follows:
      1. Five of a Kind
      2. Four of a Kind
      3. Full House (Three of a Kind and a Pair)
      4. Three of a Kind
      5. Two Pairs
      6. One Pair
      7. High Card (the highest single die value)
    • Note that traditional poker hand values apply, but flushes and straights are not part of the game since you’re using dice.
  5. Betting:
    • Before the dice are rolled, players can agree on the amount of the initial bet.
    • After the dealer forms their poker hand, players take turns betting, starting to the left of the dealer. Players can bet, raise, or fold based on their hand or their bluffing skills.
    • Betting continues clockwise until all players have either matched the highest bet or folded.
  6. Revealing Hands and Determining the Winner:
    • After the final round of betting, players reveal their hands.
    • The player with the highest-ranking poker hand wins the pot and collects the chips from the other players.
    • In case of a tie, the players with tied hands split the pot.
  7. Dealer Rotation and Next Round:
    • The player to the left of the previous dealer becomes the new dealer, and the game continues with a new round.
  8. Winning and Scoring:
    • The game can be played with a set number of rounds, and the player with the most chips or points at the end is declared the winner.

Poker dice is a simple and enjoyable game that combines elements of poker strategy with the luck of the dice. It’s a great way to have some casual fun with friends and family.