
In sports betting and gambling, “11/10 odds” are expressed in fractional odds format, also known as “British odds” or “fractional odds.” These odds represent the potential profit relative to your stake.

In the case of 11/10 odds:

  1. The “11” on the left side represents the potential profit.
  2. The “10” on the right side represents the amount you need to wager (your stake).

To calculate your potential profit with 11/10 odds, you would multiply your stake by the first number and then divide by the second number. So, for 11/10 odds:

Potential Profit = (Stake × 11) / 10

For example, if you bet $100 with 11/10 odds:

Potential Profit = ($100 × 11) / 10 = $110

So, with 11/10 odds, a $100 bet could potentially yield a profit of $110, making your total return (including your original stake) $210 if your bet is successful. These odds indicate that you can make a profit slightly greater than your stake if your bet wins.

What is 11/10 odds in decimal and how do you work it out?

11/10 odds in decimal is 2.1

In betting, odds are often presented in different formats, including fractional, decimal, and moneyline odds. To convert fractional odds like 11/10 into decimal odds, you can use the following formula:

Decimal Odds=NumeratorDenominator+1

In this case, for 11/10 odds:

Decimal Odds=1110+1=1.1+1=2.1

So, 11/10 odds in decimal format are 2.1. This means that for every unit you bet, you would make a profit of 1.1 units if the bet is successful, in addition to getting back your original stake.